
Woman Life Freedom NYC is dedicated to amplifying the voices of Iran on the streets of New York. We believe that it is our responsibility as Iranian diaspora to support this woman-led uprising and to provide a platform to bring our community together in this effort.

We are united in our mission and principles, and we as a group will continue this fight until our country and people are free.

Principles Agreement

We oppose the Islamic Republic and those who support it, and it’s destructive impact on humanity and environment

  1. We support the people-led revolution in Iran. We oppose all global forces who undermine or exploit the Iranian people’s fight for self-determination and for the removal of the Islamic Republic.

  2. We stand for political independence and a break from past Iranian parties and factions, but understand that designing and building a constitutional democratic government and new economic system in Iran will be a collaborative effort reflecting the diversity of the Iranian people.

  3. We fight against homophobia, hererosexism, and the compulsory gender binary and we support sexual and gender self-determination for all people.

  4. We believe that no sole religion should be the basis for law, and support freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

  5. We support the principles stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are you a nonprofit? 

  • We have received the 501c3 status and are officially recognized as a nonprofit organization.

Q: Who are the voices of Iranian people?

  • A: The voices of Iranian people are Lur, Kurd, Bakhtiari, Mazani, Baloch, Lak, Afghan, Turkmen, Persian, Gilak, Arab, Talesh, Ghashghayi, Armenian, and many other ethnic groups.

Q: What is your stance of racism or offensive behavior at WLFNYC events?

  • We do not tolerate racism of any form. Any individual that displays behavior (whether it be verbal or non-verbal) that could be considered offensive to another group will be asked to leave any and all Woman Life Freedom NYC events.